Saturday, October 18, 2008

United Kingdom Selection Procedure

United Kingdom this year decided to really make a go for it so they can calmly accuse the voting mafia if they happen to fail once more in the Eurovision :-).

All info and links Thanks to Esctoday.

Selection procedure:

* There will be a show which will be hosted by Graham Norton and which Andrew Lloyd Webber has agreed to chip in and compose the song who will represent the UK next Eurovision.

* The contest is opened to all artists amateurs & Professionals with some restrictions: The Entrants must be residents of the United Kingdom or allowed to work in there and have to submit their entry until the 21.11.08 (Full set of rules here)

* The entries submitted will be judged by Andrew Lloyd Webber and a team of the music industry experts who will decide on the 6 finalists.

* Once the entries has being investigate by Andrew he will begin to work on the song with a top lyricist & Record producer.

* The Selection will include 6 live shows by the name of "Your country needs you" and will be broadcasted on BBC1 on Saturday prime time.

* The format: a weekly elimination contest which the last entry standing will represent the UK in the Eurovision.

* The viewers will have the final say about who will get to get the honor of going to Eurovision in 2009.

* Interview will Andrew Lloyd Webber about the contest here

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